
Wunem Chronicles .V1

Written By: Mag Kun

Chronicles .V1

Far from the lands of the noble, lived a man, a strong man, who had been training all his life for what he was destined for. War; his time of training was coming to an end and he would soon set off on a life of fighting and death, he would grasp his sharpened blade and bear his heavy armor as he set out to the nearest mercenary camp, taking with him only food, water and a few copper pieces. He carries with him his only treasure, his name, Wunem.

As our yet to be hero Wunem is approaching the camp he would be approached by a few well-built men, but Wunems build would still surpass them, his training making him appear as a tower towards those who stand infront of him. Wunem would stop for a moment and ask them"Whaddiya want?" The men laugh and turn to him "Ain't seen a man like you round these parts, these are merc. Lands, you planning on joining up with the camp?", Wunem would only nod towards them, he would then proceed to the camp the men moving aside allowing him to pass. Entering the camp he draws attention immediately as he would seem to be out of place, mercenaries from all around the regions would stare and look at him, some astounded, some laughing.

Wunem would not care for how they thought of him, as he had merely not existed long enough to have a proper reputation to be judged with, that in mind he went to the largest tent, seeking the leader of the mercenaries he would notice a large dark skinned man, almost in equal size of himself. The man took immediate interest to Wunem and asked him "If you're planning to join feel free, it costs no money to join and we can always use an extra hand", Wunem was pleased by this he merely nodded and went outside to set up, not even making a tent he unwrapped a sheepskin bed and sprawled it out along the ground. Wunems legacy had finally begun.

Dawn had broken early after Wunems restless sleep, the leader Zavrice ordering the mercenaries to prepare for battle. Wunem gathered his sheepskin and marches alongside his fellow mercenaries, walking along the land he would pay attention to the talk, his fellow mercenaries would whisper "Darkness has returned to the lands of Wun and U", the most safe lands had become endangered by the powers of darkness, no longer would the soldiers be fighting other soldiers, but they would be fighting the likes of darkness. The optimum creator of fear and death, Wunem kept his pride by him and marched onward.

The mercenaries had reached the borders of the land of Wun and within their sight was a village, much to their expectations the darkness had already seeped in, evil warriors seen parading over the decimated inhabitants of the blackened wood and ash that painted the village with the darkness's signature color. Zavrices voice could be heard from afar, ordering the mercs. to charge,
Wunem would rush alongside the other Mercs. he would grab his blade, grasping the handle with two hands he would raise it above his head the blade towering above him as the first wave impacts with the soldiers he would see the blood and guts of the mercs send flying, the ranks of Mercs infront of him being diminished quickly Wunem would begin to wonder why the soldiers have not been sent flying yet. As the man infront of him wades into the enemies darkness Wunem brings his blade forward striking a dark soldier and slicing its armor directly in two all the way down, but upon it falling in half only a dark shroud would erupt from the sliced armor. Wunem would not take time to think, all he knew was that hitting them with his sword killed them and so he continued to swing his blade repeatedly at any enemy that would dare face him. Within a few hours, the battle was won but with great losses, a sea of corpses covered the once fertile grassland. With this Wunem had no choice but to seek a new purpose, one greater if he was to avoid becoming another lost warrior of war, he would turn his head to the distant lands in front of him. He saw a towering fortress, an entire kingdom, the same kingdom that they were fighting for to rid of these dark beings, gathering his blade he would walk towards it, before departing the newly made graveyard of his comrades he noticed Zavrice, his chest split in half and his right arm missing. Wunem crouched before his former leader, taking from him anything that he had on his belongings, he then lifted himself up and moved on-wards.

Upon striding the land he saw grief and despair from everyone he passed, even soldiers were showing signs of fear, the darkness had surely taken its toll on the kingdom of Wun. Walking through gate upon gate he found himself upon the royal district, the district of the king, with no hesitation he marched directly into the kings quarters, the guards taking notice of his immense stature would try to stop him, but he would swat them over, as if they were weak bugs. Upon reaching the Kinds throne he would not bow, nor would he give an apology for the intrusion but he instead demanded where he might go to stop such a darkness from spreading.
The King saw within Wunems eyes, determination and the heart of a warrior, with that the King had decided that Wunem would be the one to head to the heart of the darkness and kill the source of the evil. The King made no promise that Wunem would return alive he also claimed that he does not know what is the exact source, but he said that if Wunem made it back alive bearing the dead source of the evil, he would be granted a noble stature, the likes of which only true-born royals are given.

With his new gear and even heavier blade, he would head towards the source of the darkness, accompanied by some of the Kings best. The Journey was perilous and many men were lost along the lengthy journey, when they seemed to be swallowed by the darkness they were trying to fight they noticed infront of them. With this sighting their hopes were raised and while their morale low, they pressed forward into this pit of lurking evil, the cave down to its very depths was willing to place the unfortunate party into many challenges.
With each challenge many of them were lost, when they had reached the final chamber, at the center of the chamber surrounded by the souls of the suffering dead, was a demonic humanoid, he would point towards the heroes, shooting the souls towards them killing everyone but Wunem. Wunem took his blade in hand and charged forward his shouts louder than he had ever shouted before, clash after clash would happen with Wunem becoming weaker and weaker throughout the fight, then, the demon toppled him in one mere blow, without even using the blade of its weapon.

The Demon would laugh at Sir Wunem, laughing at his feeble attempts to fight, "A mere human like you can not kill the likes of me, you are feeble, weak, pathetic, I am Godlike, do you have any last words?", As the Demon spoke Sir Wunem prepared his blade, sweeping upwards he would yell at the top of his lungs!
"WUN U!!"

And with that, the Demon was slain in a single blow and Sir Wunem lived on, to become Lord Wunem.
Mag Kun