
Old Window

Written By: Evan White


History of the Old Window

Back in the old days when there were no fancy paramedics and tesla engine, the best minds of Nanotrasen construction division could not assemble a simple full window. Thus the Great Old Window was born.

Generally refered to as 'pain-in-the-ass-to-construct-window' in engineering societies, this piece of architecture consisted of 4 single sided windows placed on the sides of a grile in the center.

It is estimated that nearly 500 engineers were driven crazy trying to repair or assemble those archaic windows. At that time NT plasma research facilities were not crewed with Psychiatrists, which resulted those poor engineering souls starting bloody massacres across all NT space stations.

Due to these incidents Nanotrasen RnD departments came out with an idea of easy-to-construct full-window assemblies over a single grile and thus the modern window was born!