
The store that sold everything:part 1

Written By: Unknown

~ The Shop ~ Manager: gcNo customers today. Cfmon, wefre a shop that sells anything!h Helper: gMaybe itfs no good to have everythinf, yfknow? Too much to choose.h Manager: gThink that could be it?h *creeeakc* Manager: gOh?h Manager: gWelcome! We sell anything and everything!h Black-Haired Woman: gcTruly?h *starec* #OP Woman: gcDo you really sell anything?h Woman: gI wonft stand for it if youfre lying, you knowch *starec* Manager: gYes we do, to the best of our ability.h Helper: (Dude, shefs got such cold eyesc) Woman: gThen sell mec a knife, please.h Woman: gA verrry sharp onec that cuts well.h Manager: gCominf right up!h #OP Manager: gHerefs your knife!h Woman: gOh my, what a polished, sharp knifech *grinc* Woman: gThank youc With this, he shallch *walk walk* Manager: gch Helper: gBoss, is it okay to sell stuff like that?h Helper: gI mean, if she causes some trouble with that -h Manager: gThen so what?h Manager: gMy job is to sell anything.