Lisa: Ash-Drake Pt.1
Written By: Zay Fumblemore
Wazei-Ree, inspired by the divine energy erupting within his scale-clad body and the righteousness of Lisa-the-Ascended, set forth to spread the holy manifestation of corginess. He reverently protected her hallowed remains, preserving them among the scorched earth. He soon came upon a dreaded ash-drake's lair, and drew upon him the power manifest by Lisa-the-Almighty, praying, "Oh great Lisssa the All-Consssuming, I bessseech you asss a humble lizard of the land, ssstrike down my foe!" But the ash-drake spoke to Wazei-Ree. "YOU! TRAVELER! I AM THE RIDDLING DRAGON, AND YOU MUST ANSWER MY RIDDLE!"