
The Book Club Cult

Written By: Tim Ingot

I Tim Ingot on Shift 15047 now write about the history of the book club. We built a cool for in the library and wore paper masks. We read books. We beat other people with books to convert them, however they were not harmed and filled with knowledge. Security came after us, it was gruesome and we were labled non human. Many died in the name of BOOK and I myself marron myself apon this station to tell you all in the future of what we acomplished. Our founding members were I, Tim Ingot the Psychiatrist, Androidik Buttsalot (Librarian), Damon Prytanis (Chief Engineer), Jayden Johnson (Bartender), Jerome JJ Jackson (Assistant), Dios Mio (Assistant), Nathal Clazinsky (Chief Medical Officer) and many more. IF you were apart of the club, Godspeed, you did a great service.(disclaimer: this book was found in the rubbish of that station on the shift afterwards. It is being published by a lawyer who happens to have the same name as Tim Ingot.)