Chems and Hems
Written By: Yasmin Tushishe
Yasmin's Guide to Dank Chemistry "Memes"-
The Explosive Delivery-
in a syrindge...
1u Stable-Reagent
2u Phlog
13u Blackpowder
The Hardest Knockout-
Ent-Poly (from lavaland) will knockout first with a permenant crit until death-
Chloral Hydrate will kockout second, with roughly 10-30second knockout-
Lexorin will knockout third with a permenant crit until death-
Sulfanol will knockout last with permenant crit till death-
Easiest recovery-
Chloral Hydrate will let them up with no damage they cant recover from-
Lexorin will deal oxyloss damage meaning you can revive them with an epi pen-
Sulfanol will deal toxic damage, meaning you can revive them with a charcoal pill ( but allows for pairing with petraflurodecin to mute them)
Ent-Poly will deal all kinds of damage, not great for kidnappings you want them to recover from-
The Explosive Delivery-
in a syrindge...
1u Stable-Reagent
2u Phlog
13u Blackpowder
The Hardest Knockout-
Ent-Poly (from lavaland) will knockout first with a permenant crit until death-
Chloral Hydrate will kockout second, with roughly 10-30second knockout-
Lexorin will knockout third with a permenant crit until death-
Sulfanol will knockout last with permenant crit till death-
Easiest recovery-
Chloral Hydrate will let them up with no damage they cant recover from-
Lexorin will deal oxyloss damage meaning you can revive them with an epi pen-
Sulfanol will deal toxic damage, meaning you can revive them with a charcoal pill ( but allows for pairing with petraflurodecin to mute them)
Ent-Poly will deal all kinds of damage, not great for kidnappings you want them to recover from-