
Greytide fishing

Written By: Alex Cloverfield

Greytider's Guide to Robust Fishing!!
So you want to be a fisherman ey? Did your passion for fisihing bring you here? Or was it the pure curiosity of how one man can find fish inside this metal cage of a station that made you open this pages? FEAR NOT YOU PEASENT!! For I will share my knowladge with you today.**STEP 1:** You need some fishing tools fam, but how are you going to get those as a mere greyshirted handsome guy? With a little bit of creativity everything is possible! The station has all sorts of tools so what you want to do is go and grab yourself a toolbox, robb it of its nutrients and throw it in the trash. Make sure you took a *wrench*, *screwdriver*, *crowbar*, *wirecutters* or *multitool*, a welding tool is optional but its welcome in your aresenal nonetheless. Now that you have the power of distruction and creation in your trusty pack let us put them to use.**STEP 2:** A man can dream of fish. Clearly you are a bored fellow just as I, for you would not read this guide otherwise so that being said you won't mind breaking a law just to get your kiks right? The tools you aquired altough usefull are not able to catch nor contain a fish so let's do something about that. The next thing you need is a fishing tool. Fishing tools can very, from small and low risk fishing tools, to BIG AND ROBUST fishing tools made by and for the most proud fisherman. Let us start with the smaller fishing utensils, the *flash* is one of the easiest fishing tools you can obtain. Flashes can be found in almost every sec office, especially those near arrivals, storages or, if you feel brave enough, the robotics office. Flashes don't show how proud of a fisherman you are but they still are very usefull and do the job. After you aquire the item, grab your local labeler and give your fishing tool a suiting name like "Fish Blinker" or some other dumb shit you make on the spot. Another good fishi**STEP 2:** A man can dream of fish. Clearly you are a bored fellow just as I, for you would not read this guide otherwise so that being said you won't mind breaking a law just to get your kiks right? The tools you aquired altough usefull are not able to catch nor contain a fish so let's do something about that. The next thing you need is a fishing tool. Fishing tools can very, from small and low risk fishing tools, to BIG AND ROBUST fishing tools made by and for the most proud fisherman. Let us start with the smaller fishing utensils, the *flash* is one of the easiest fishing tools you can obtain. Flashes can be found in almost every sec office, especially those near arrivals, storages or, if you feel brave enough, the robotics office. Flashes don't show how proud of a fisherman you are but they still are very usefull and do the job. After you aquire the item, grab your local labeler and give your fishing tool a suiting name like "Fish Blinker" or some other dumb shit you make on the spot. Another good fishing tool is a *prod* which. altough illegal, is a BIG AND ROBUST fishing tool, they cannot be found, but they sure as hell can be made. Aquire the items, craft thy ROD OF ROBUST FISHING. Make sure you attach a charged battery to it for it wont work otherwise. This are only two of the most common used fishing tools but your imagination is your only limit.**STEP 3:** Not all fish are born the same. Remeber tider, there are many fish in the sea, or in our case, on the station. There are yellow fish, which dwell deep near the engine, purple fish, which hide behind their machines etc. these are dumb fishes. You dont want to catch those, you are a proud fisherman aren't you? Proud of thy Grey heritage ain't that right? It's a well known fact between all fisherman that red fish are the most rare and hard to catch, for these fishes can catch the fisherman. This world is a tough but fair world, only the most robust fisherman can catch this sort of fish. Other rare fishes are the ones that wear cloaks, these fishes are of legendary title and you might get executed for catching one, yet it is all worth it, for you can now call yourself a true legenedary fisherman and always remember how you kept dragging the captain around the station and managed to evade every lowlife that tried to stop you for half an hour before being gunned down by sec while taking a leek.**STEP 4:** True fisherman follow the code.**A fisherman shall only use their fishing tool.** **A fisherman shall never strip a fish of its posessions.** (fisherman are not shittlers)**A fisherman shall never harm the fish.** (A claimed fish is a fisherman's pride, don't hurt your own pride you dumbass)**A fisherman shall accept his fate when cought**, just like the fish he claimed. Be it execution or perma, your memory will live on.Good luck out there fisherman, I shall await to hear thy stories! -Alex the Cloverman out.