
Spesmen Moviemaking

Written By: Brad Raybury


A Moviemakers guide to Spessmen

A Brad Raybury production

       Welcome kind folks to Brad Raybury theaters, Today's movies is on the topic of spessmen and the production of movies with them in it.

       The first feature of any good spessman film is drama, there must be conflict, war, mystery, fear, or any form of those in the movie. Previous movies of mine have involved the use of agents implanted onto a space station to create this conflict amoung the crew.

       Second, you need heros. These can be in the form of your official security team valiently hunting down the antagonist, or a person in the wrong place at the wrong time saving a life from a murderer. This can also take the form of the perspective of a medical personel saving lives and keeping the station fighting on or the perspective of even a chaplain preventing evil from taking root.

       Third, you need a variety of jobs. This will create further stories and allow for the generic creation of connections, interactions, and incre