
THE OWL: The Myth, The Legend, The Truth.

Written By: Ronald Collins, THE OWL.

Greetings, friends. You may be wondering the famous question, what was THE OWL, like when he was a child, and what about the rest of his life before his boxing career began. When I was a little boy, I once saw a beautiful owl soaring by, at the time, I was in love with the idea of boxing, and it came to me that very day, what my name would be. It would be THE OWL. From that day, I began a quest, a quest to become truly robust, I practised to become great at boxing, and was drafted onto the station in the guise of a Scientist. I ditched my attire and found an Owl Costume, then they called me Ronald Collins, now they call me, THE OWL. My first opponent was the Luchador Supreme, we both entered the ring, swinging blows at eachother, and I would let him get up each time, until I was knocked down, and he attacked me, I caught him a solid right hook, and he was down for the count. That is my story, and it still continues, for I am, THE Biography on the OWL himself