
Mika - RB4

Written By: Socioplana Convecta

The son wast did imprison by h'retics. That gent wast still a holy being. (A1) That gent attempt'd to doth what shalt remaineth unnam'd. (B1) That gent wasn't liketh this though. (C1) God did create loveth, and two oth'r sons.  Alas, the oth'r two sons p'rished, and the one wast high-lone. (D1) And god hath said; "let th're beest lighteth." and lighteth cameth.(E1)  H'retics did create adam and eve, at which hour t wast mike and the son. (F1) God did create distaff. (G1) And that gent finally end'd with the following; "allow the oth'rs to communicateth from which i shall bid.  I shall not int'rvene with the c'rruption. " (H1)