
Laws and Lizards

Written By: The Security Team

Law & Lizards

An advanced Security guide

Written by a very bored, yet philosophical security officer

Not all races in the known space are made equally. This is a known fact and an universal truth. Some examples of this reality are plasmemes burning in contact with oxygen, Polysmorphs being unable to wear shoes and lizards being perpetually bullied by assistants. With this out of the way, the real message of this literary masterpiece can begin.

Humans & Their equals
It is known that Humans are the best race on all the stations under Centcomm's command. No other race has even the slightest chance of coming close to the righteousness that WE, humanity, possess. The best and the worst can be found among them. During an arrest, they are to be treated with respect and Standard Procedure should apply.

Every Other Race
They are the bane of humanity and thus should be treated as lesser beings. They should be executed as soon as you, the security officer, get a chance. Fuck them. KILL THEM ALL.