
Syndicate SOP

Written By: Anonymous Syndicate Rep



Penned with the authority of the Syndicate Icemoon outpost commander.
This procedure may only be enforced by the authority of the outpost's Lieutenant, comms agent, Commander, or other senior role.
If the outpost has no designated senior role, then this may only be enforced by popular vote of crew, and all command decisions fall to democracy unless a commander is elected.


- Dead Nanotrasen miners may be retrieved and optionally revived should Syndicate Command have no objections.

- Brainwashing is advised to make them a non-threat to Syndicate forces. Do not give them the objectives of a regular field agent. DO NOT ENCOURAGE THEM TO DO THIS. COMMAND WILL FIRE YOU.

- Living Nanotrasen miners must not be permitted near the base unless they want to desert.

- Deserting Nanotrasen personnel of any kind may be accepted with open arms or turned back as the on-site Lieutenant deems fit.

- Any deserting personnel MUST have all explosive and surveillance devices revoked, and should not be trusted with weapons without the permission of the acting Security Officer or Commander.


For the most part, these bases operate either on the law of the Commander or the law of whoever has the biggest gun. Should a base Commander wish to operate formally, I recommend this:

- Space Law with all references to Enemy of the Corporation and contraband removed.
- Enemy of the Corporation replaced with Treason against the Syndicate: immediate execution authorised for offenders.
- Attacking Cayenne or equivalent is considered Treason against the Syndicate. There are few other offences that constitute this crime.
- Gun law is lifted, except for freshly-deserted Nanotrasen crew, who are required to report to the base's acting commander.


If your outpost is equipped with a self-destruct device, the following procedures are non-negotiable except where Command deems fit to avoid loss of Syndicate assets.

- There must be either majority consensus or a major threat to the base to operate the self-destruct.
- The self-destruct is never mandatory unless the base is about to be captured. In which case, detonate immediately.
- Only the base Commander is permitted to operate the self destruct, or acting commander if none is present. (Acting Commander in this case is, depending on the outpost: first person to wake up for Lavaland and Jungleland, subordinate for orbital listening stations should the Lieutenant not awaken before them)
- DO NOT detonate without good cause.
- Recent desertions must not be allowed near the self-destruct.


Due to the recent proliferation of recall implants as a result of the traitorous actions of a small minority and general distrust of field crews by unified Syndicate command infrastructure, evacuation is an extremely complex affair as you cannot go too far from the wreckage.

Only evacuate should the self-destruct have been initiated or the base been lost. Do not evacuate without Syndicate Command's authorisation. DO NOT INTERFERE WITH NANOTRASEN OPERATIONS NOR INDICATE YOUR SURVIVAL WITHOUT GOOD CAUSE.


Pray to Ratvar you still have your spacesuit, and seek a safe derelict outpost to reside in until pickup arrives. Attempt to continue reconnaisance. Do not perform anything that would indicate to Nanotrasen forces that you are still alive.


Seek a safe structure, preferably with electricity. Move surviving equipment to it and attempt to continue research until evacuation arrives.


e kinda fucked if you blundered this one, I'm gonna be honest. Beg for mercy from Command. That is all you can do at this point. Or go to the inn and drink your livers out.


- All mutineers may be freely convicted with Treason against the Syndicate, especially if Cayenne is harmed.
- Mutineers who wish to desert to Nanotrasen must not be allowed to leave with their agent identification card and headset, and especially not be allowed to leave with their issued weapon or any classified Syndicate equipment. You may freely terminate this sort of mutineer, as will Nanotrasen.


Alert levels on Syndicate outposts are much more informal. Declaration of them is entrusted to the Commander, as is required procedure. However, I would like to encourage the following alert levels be used:

CODE 4: Equivalent to Nanotrasen Green Alert. No active threats to the outpost.

CODE 3: Equivalent to Blue Alert. Potential threats. Nanotrasen crew may be hunting for the outpost.

CODE 2: Equivalent to Red Alert. Something's wrong, base actively under attack.

CODE 1: Delta Alert. Should only be triggered by the outpost commander.

CODE 0: [REDACTED]. Should only be triggered by Syndicate Command. Negates all contracts. Only applicable if base is captured or deserts.


The purpose of this document is to assist Syndicate base commanders with enforcing stable regulation within their assigned outposts, as well as aiding in coordination.

This does not constitute a binding document, unlike your contract.
Your contract's basic mandates include the following:

- not abandoning the base
- not going on the offensive against Nanotrasen
- definitely fucking not violating Solar Law.

You may have noticed that the Evacuation section conflicts with the first of these.
That's because there will always be a situation where one has to abandon base, and that section is simply meant to guide you in doing it in a way that does not bring forth the Coalition's wrath.

Thank you for reading.

Anonymous Syndicate Rep
Syndicate Captain