
Print Job #590

Written By: Dawson Harding

History but better, by Dawson Harding. So pretty much the universe arose from nothing out of pure chance in what you could call a chaotic void where chaos just means shit happening out of pure chance. So pretty much we are here just by pure chance and also there are remnamants of the chaos left over. Since the dawn of man, humans have been enchanting, divining, and invoking entities. The wizard federation knows of the weakness in reality so that is how they work their will. The wizard federation knows how to twist reality to their will while we at Nanotrasen could do the same, as on our station it is quite magical. But we don't like 20% of the time.
Anyways there are literally several different fields of study on chaos such as chaos mathmatics, chaos biology, chaos weather patterns, chaos cosmology.
As a curator and a nerd I am asking why are we really here? I know we are here but our lives are of constant fear and agony and their is no way to avoid suffering but to just make yourself suffer less. There