
Tales and StoriesC1

Written By: Elizabeth Irzwell


Tales & Stories, Chapter 1.

My garden was the most beautiful garden I could have ever asked for. It had roses aplenty and healthy, green grass spread all across the ground. There was many neat rows of orchids and tulips, all colour-coordinated to my liking. A small path consisting of a few stone blocks led from my porch to a small table where I would sit and observe nature. It was all so peaceful and I enjoyed every second of strolling through it. I never got bored of the little sparrows & robins that would come fly around inside it. It was all so surreal. Then, as I was following my routine by cracking a book open and reading from it, my eyes caught something. An irregular flower, nestled inbetween my red roses, sticking out like a sore thumb. Instead of being like any other flower I had seen before, it's petals were large and went from a purplish-blue to a vibrant red going up the petals. It looked amazing if I'm quite honest. I immediately got to work, digging it up and putting it in a bi
g plant pot and placing it on my table. It was a perfect addition, and I was quite happy about it as it added colour to my white table. However, when I went to bed that night, something odd happened. The plant, it grew fast. Its petals became the size of pitchers, and its stalk grew to way past my height! I looked at this towering flower when I woke up the next morning with only astonishment in my eyes. For the next few mornings, I woke up everyday to find it had grown more and more. Until one day, when I was out gardening, the flower slowly lifted down from its large height and I saw it was curled up, like it was holding something. I looked at the curled flower before it opened up, and inside was a child. A baby girl, yet not human, but not NOT human. It was a sort of plant-like baby. But I knew this plant wanted me to care for it. Of course it did. So, I named the baby petal, as it reminded me of its plant-mother, and I took it into my home to care for it.