

Written By: Mitty C.

  • Are you new to working in cargo?
  • Are you returning after a long break from cargo-related activity?
  • Are you kinda, like, retarded?

If you answered 'yes' to any one of those questions, then I have the solution for you! HI IM MITTY I like apple pie and cinnamon swirls and cage fighting and fingerpainting and I'm an empath and a virgo and JUST LIKE YOU, i was once one of the above! Like a month ago I was new to cargo and I didn't know shit, but through just using a lil common sense and paying attention, I learnt how to become a super-robust super elite cargo quartermaster who can easily make huge amounts of money in like, seconds. This guide is so simple and easy to follow, it doesn't matter if your IQ is room temperature!

0: SECURE THE BUDGET!! If youre the only cargo tech or the QM, then in your office there's a closet, right? And in that closet is the ENTIRE BUDGET OF CARGO, also access to the Vault I think. This is SUPER VALUABLE so ensure that this is protected!  Its lik
like your version of the Captains ID Card but for MONEY instead of POWER. It should be safe in the closet, locked away, but keep an eye on it and be wary 'bout letting people into your holy sanctum!
1: DRAG CRATES!!! Drag crates off the cargo shuttle, drag crates onto the cargo shuttle, on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off LIKE THAT IS HALF YOUR JOB, DUMMY! If you get that done,
2: USE THE CARGO CONSOLE!! Thats how you order stuff. Its pretty big so you should get familiar with it. If you can't find an item for a customer, then just ask them to find it for you!
3: SELL PLASMA AND DIAMONDS!!! Bounties are nice but personallly if you wanna make some real quick cash, then you'll make it selling PLASMA and DIAMONDS cuz that makes HUGE AMOUNTS OF CASH, like 100k easily if you sell a few stacks of each, though KEEP IN MIND that these resources are SUPER VALUABLE for stuff like research or construction or fajfjawd
what do I care? Look, the rest of the station wants 'em, you dont need to know the specifics! Skim a lil' off the top every once in a while.
4:HACK THE AUTOLATHE ! If you open it up with a screw and turn on the blue light on the autolathe, you'll get access to all kinds of cool shit, like lethal ammunition! This is urgent to you as a cargo tech cuz if you have any real stones, you'd be discreetly buying guns and preparing for your inevitable seccession from the rest of the station.
5: You don't need them. You don't need them. You don't need them. You really don't, yknow, cuz what do they even bring? You are self-sufficient, you are capable of anything, all worldly items are at your fingertips, you can flood the station with firearms or buy enough pizza to last millennia. We can set up our own power grid independent of the station, our own air supply, our own governance. We can seal ourselves off from the filth and they will starve, not us.
6: Cargo is the wellspri
ng from which all life subsists on.

Anywho thats a super basic rundown of cargo! I hope you liked reading this, anyway get back to work, dummy.