
The Universe

Written By: Zaun

The Singularity. A mechanic would call it an engine. A scientist would call it the event horizon. A priest would call it the gates of heaven... or hell. I would call it perfection. Our universe was created by a magnificent explosion. Its awesome power from whatever entity laid before scattered hydrogen gas across the galaxy. Radiation. Gravity, electromagneticism, strength and weakness were all created in this moments and became the forces of creation as we know it. Whether it was a God or the Universe itself, these pieces aligned and the Universe began to blossom. The Hydrogen gases condensed due to something strange- imperfection. They created webs, began to collide, rub against one another, and the Universe was set ablaze. These suns would inevitably explode, scattering minerals across the galaxy. But that, my friend, is an entirely different chapter.The creation of our world.