
Hungry Jho Rework

Written By: Solid Snake

The Very Hungry Deviljho

Once upon a time, in the deepest, darkest parts of the jungle, there lived a very hungry Deviljho.

One day, it woke up feeling even hungrier than usual. "I need to eat!" it growled and stomped off in search of food.

On Monday, it found a herd of Aptonoths grazing peacefully. CHOMP! CHOMP! CHOMP! The Deviljho devoured not one, not two, but five Aptonoths! Still, it was hungry.

On Tuesday, it stumbled across a Barroth taking a nap. Without a second thought, GULP! the Deviljho swallowed it whole. But still, it was hungry.

On Wednesday, it found a pack of Jagras. The poor creatures barely had time to squeal before SNAP! the Deviljho crunched them between its massive jaws. Yet, it was still hungry.

On Thursday, it came across a fresh carcass of an Anjanath. It didn’t matter that the meat was rotting a bit; SLURP! the Deviljho ate it all. But still, it was hungry.

On Friday, it found another Deviljho. They wrestled and roared, but in the end, MUNCH! the Deviljho cannib
alized its own kind. But STILL, it was hungry.

On Saturday, it ate a piece of its own severed tail that had been left behind after a hunter’s attack. SNACK! The tail tasted just fine to the savage monster. But still, it was hungry.

On Sunday, the Deviljho found a group of terrified hunters. With a roar that shook the forest, it charged at them—but the hunters escaped just in time, leaving the Deviljho to stomp away, still hungry.

And so, the very hungry Deviljho continues to roam the jungle, always searching for its next meal, because no matter how much it eats, it’s never full.

The end.