
Book: The tale of a space station part 8

Written By: Adam Kele

I often find escape from the real world in my dreams its a shame they dont last for long i was having a very nice dream abouth my home abouth my pet walrus he is an actual walrus but i cant look in the past forever which is a shame suddenly i snap out of it iam in a bed in a metal room iam pretty scared by now as i look over my arm i see its been torn in half and replaced with a cyborgs arm then it hit me the memories of the space station getting overrun with aliens and all of my friends getting killed i try to stand up to find someone as i try stand up a the door opens and a man in robes comes in he says hello i reply with the same the man in robes looked let sjust say strange he had a long black beard black big hat and long dark robes then he sit in a chair that was on the left of my bed and sayd do you know what happened i say the events that happened on the space station of alien research and starts explaining what happened you see centcom is no more all the people are dead..end of part 8