
John The Clown

Written By: Melvyn Thomlinson

Once upon a time... there was a clown.Not any normal clown.... He was a telepathic clown.His name was John.Ordinary name.Other clowns wre laughing at John for that.... They were called Honkers, Punpuners, And God knows what else.But he knew he was special.His power was his normality.No one suspected him when he killed the Captain.Who would? He was just a clown name John.But.... But ONE person found out his evil deed... It was the detective Shoegum.The bigest asshole on whole station.He stole the stun baton from dead redshirt.It was his time.Finaly he can redeem himself! He would not be called "Shoegum, that asshole".People would call him "Shoegum, that person that killed that murderer John!".He grabbed the stunbaton.... And hited John repeatly with it.But something was off... People didn't aproove for his rampage.John was their's favorite clown.They spaced Shoegum.No one lived happy on the station ever again. THE END