
The Film Noir: Proper Procedures

Written By: Nanotrasen


Detective Work

Between your bouts of self-narration, and drinking whiskey on the rocks, you might get a case or two to solve.
To have the best chance to solve your case, follow these directions:


Go to the crime scene.

Take your scanner and scan EVERYTHING (Yes, the doors, the tables, even the dog.)

Once you are reasonably certain you have every scrap of evidence you can use, find all possible entry points and scan them, too.

Return to your office.

Using your forensic scanning computer, scan your Scanner to upload all of your evidence into the database.

Browse through the resulting dossiers, looking for the one that either has the most complete set of prints, or the most suspicious items handled.

If you have 80% or more of the print (The print is displayed) go to step 10, otherwise continue to step 8.

Look for clues from the suit fibres you found on your perp, and go about looking for more evidence with this new information, scanning as you go.

Try to get a fingerprint card of your perp, as if used in the computer, the prints will be completed on their dossier.

Assuming you have enough of a print to see it, grab the biggest complete piece of the print and search the security records for it.

Since you now have both your dossier and the name of the person, print both out as evidence, and get security to nab your baddie.

Give yourself a pat on the back and a bottle of the ships finest vodka, you did it!.

It really is that easy! Good luck!