

Written By: Anonymous

Wizards are strange and mysterious beings trained to use some sort of power that is far beyond what we know or understand. They can conjure explosive balls of fire, transmute anything into nearly anything else, teleport, anything really. Wizards are recently known to go hunting for specific items for one reason or another or to kill someone, usually they serve as bounty hunters of the highest caliber. However while this is popular, some simply want to learn and go explore, as did the majority in older times. Many are hermits who avoid everyone else to continue their research. Wizards are greatly inhibited by not having their wizard garb, it is believed the clothes are very specially made to enhance some sort of latent, innate capability. Known spells -Fireball Releases a bolt of energy that explodes shortly after release or upon impact with something. Very powerful and deadly. -Phase walking (real name unknown) Temporarily invisible and intangible, the wizard can move anywhere they please. -Blink Telepor