
JH's Majestic Tangle with Death, Part Two.

Written By: Joni Hanford

as he fell to the ground, breathing hard as if he had a mask on his face. I was terrified, but I ran as hard as I could, vision darkening, breathing raggedly. I ran as far as I could, but I soon heard those terrible steps and hard breathing, more gasping now. I turned and saw not Death, but a man, who said, "He is coming again! RUN!" I believed him and ran as hard as my punished legs would allow, but not very fast. I kept going, and reached a cross roads. I chose the left, as there was light and warmth from there. I reached the light, and a ladder greeted me. The other man was gone, having gone down another path, but I didn't know which. I climbed the ladder, and reached the surface, never to return to that horrid place again. I am Joni Hanford, the man who wroete this story, and I hope you enjoy my short tale of misery.