
The Carpa-Kin: Monster Fish

Written By: Shaun Campbell

The Carpa-kin
By: Shaun Campbell
Science has been able to explain the basic biology of the space carp since the beginning of their discovery. Despite them being remotely edible, they are everyones favourite variety of flesh eating gravity defying space fish. However, several reports indicate a special sub type of space carp due to its abnormal size. This special carp is known as the Carpa-kin.

Measuring 200 meters long with an appetite for lost miners and escape pods, this monstrosity has been responsible for many fatalities in the sector for many space cycles. When encountered, it would be a good idea to be getting out of the way as fast as possible, for the Carpa-kin's ferocity is only rivalled by its legendary appetite. The missing Aramiah Station in the far side of the sector has been suspected of being consumed by the Carpa-kin.

Countermeasures to be used against it has yet to be finalized by HQ.
Bigger mouth, more teeth. Carpa-kin!