
Unitology: The Circle

Written By: Annalee Call

Unitology: The Circle

Revolution in Arms

Since the incident on Titan Station in 2511, Unitologists have doubled their effort to spread the gospel of their religion, going as far as taking up arms against the established government. Militarized Unitologists fighting against the oppressive government are members from a branch of Unitology known as the Circle; a group of Unitologists dedicated to bringing humanity to Convergence through force. The focus of the typical followers are church going types with some or minimal combat experience. Targets of the Circle are wherever a Marker test lab may be located on any given colony. After the destruction of the Tau Volantis Brethren Moon, the Circle was left in very little numbers, and even then, their faith in Unitology had become even more extreme. They cut off their hands and replaced them with crude mechanical parts to make them more like Necromorphs and they viewed the Brethren Moons as gods and the Circle's leader, Jacob Danik (now deceased), as their saint. Their leader led the new cult and a ritual that required cutting off the hands of the willing and unwilling. The Circle was destroyed after an engineer and soldier killed Jacob Danik.

The Unitologist Cult

In the aftermath of his death, what members of the Circle that survived the events of Tau Volantis sought refuge on the CMS Terra Nova. Their faith had been shaken by the destruction wrought on the planet and the moon itself. One Circle member however, took their experiences as a sign of things to come. He and the survivors were contacted shortly by the Brethren Moon, though this experience served to drive several of the survivors mad. This brought about the known phrase "They are hungry. They are coming." Others who survived simply killed themselves. Despite this, many managed to make it to the Terra Nova, where they created a new church under their prophet's guidance. They offered various parts of their bodies, most noticeably to the Brethren Moon, mutilating themselves to appear as Necromorphs and used Jacob Danik as their saint. Their severed parts were offered to the Brethren Moons as ritualistic offers, setup in various shrines around the Terra Nova.

Please note that the Circle is a deviation of the Church of Unitology. Proper Unitology worship varies greatly from that of the Unitology Cult and is not approved by the Church of Unitology.