
Securitron: Part 2

Written By: Annalee Call

Securitron: Part 2

Beepsky spun his tires, drifting around the hallway as he headed towards the science division. "I know Cuban Pete's profile. He's going to make bombs in toxins and blow something up. Possibly the entire station. But not if I get to him first." Beepsky passed medical, the kitchen, robotics, and finally arrived at science. He entered the doors slowly. The detective said he was released by Red Suits. The Syndicate is always dangerous. Cuban Pete working with them is even worse. A janitor mopped up vomit just outside toxins. A wet floor sign already put up. "No wanted record on him. Not anything worth my time right now" Beepsky thought as he entered the toxins lab. On the other side of the room sat Cuban Pete, in a comfortable chair. "Beepsky! Finally. You sure took your sweet time getting here didn't you?" "Cut the shit Pete. You're coming with me. You can give up now or I can send you to genetics in a body bag." Cuban Pete threw back his head and laughed. "That's a good one. Sadly you're in no position to be sending anyone to genetics. Let alone arrest someone." Just then the janitor hacked the door shut behind Beepsky. There was no way out but forward and past Cuban Pete. "You know Beepsky. I almost admire you as an officer. Sadly you have one fatal flaw." Beepsky tightened his grip on the stun baton and got ready to rush forward. "And what's that Pete boy?" "You're useless at a long range." Beepsky rushed forward. Cuban Pete laughed madly as pulled out a Syndicate Minibomb and threw it at Beepsky. "Shit SHIT SHIT!!" was all Beepsky could say before it exploded right in front of him, creating a small breach in the station. "I like playing with bombs you know that Beepsky. Another simple toxin bomb though? You're thinking too small! The Syndicate talked with me while I was in the prison wing. I asked to be a traitor. They decided a Nuclear Strike Team operative was more in line with my skill set." Cuban Pete continued talking, no surprise there, but Beepskys internal sensors were starting to fail him. At first his hearing went. He watch Cuban Pete motionless, unable to stand. Cuban Pete laughed some more before saying his apparent goodbyes and leaving out the east doors. Beepsky wondered if anyone would get to him in time. His visual sensor started to fuzz with static until soon after, there was nothing but blackness.

It's not certain if a robot without a brain can dream, but a few words came to Beepsky… Power… The Station… Help… The sound of welding started to drown out his thoughts. Finally, after what seemed like years, he woke up. "Ho-ley shit. They really don't make Securitrons like they used to." Someone said behind a welding mask directly facing Beepskys visual sensor. So much static… Beepsky managed to look down at his clothes, robotics. "They actually saved me." Beepsky thought to himself in disbelief. The roboticist turned away to refuel his welder. "You know I've made a lot of Securitrons and in most cases I let em loose and I find them as robot debris with the stun baton stolen. Security yells at me for a while before the RD takes over yelling for em. That ED-209 though sure put an end to that." Beepsky ran a diagnostics check, he was in ruins. Barely able to sustain any life at all. "The.. Janitor…" Beepsky manage to say, his voice modulator cracking static. "Save it. I really don't care and the detectives on his way to pick you up once I patch up your internal wiring and… Externals… Shit you really a mess you know that?" The roboticist turned back, and continued welding Beepsky. His visual sensor flashed bright white. After what seemed like a lifetime he was up and running. "WHEW. Well that should just about do it. Given your model I can't really update anything on your exoskeleton. What I can do is give you a baton with a better battery though." "A better battery? That's all?" "Yep. Bluespace battery. Much better than the uh… Potato battery you were using." If Beepsky could sigh, he sure as hell would right now. "Well.. Thanks for all you've done." Beepsky managed to say as he rolled out of robotics and back to the brig. With Cuban Pete loose and with the nuke squad, he had to move fast. No choice now but to swallow his pride and get back on the force.