
Cargonia: An Independent State?

Written By: Ivan Azarov


The effects of independence on station efficency

As a crewmember, you may have some questions about the newfound independent state of cargonia. Why did we split? How will I be affected? Am I in danger? This pamphlet exsists to answer these questions and dispell misconceptions about our new country.

Why found an independent nation?
Here at cargonia, our members feel oppresed by the classical space law system. We aim to form our own nation, free of the previous oppressive law structures.

How will the crew be affected by this decision?

Cargonia will continue to function as normal. The only difference is that we will now govern our own affairs. In short? it will stay the same.

Is the crew in danger from this new state?
No, not at all! Here at cargonia we pride ourselves on using only non-lethal force on our oppenets. Dissenters inside the state will be thrown out using disablers and cuffs, and then set free. Don't bother us, and we won't bother you.

Thank you for reading our pamphlet, and remember to have a nice day!