
The warrior spirit

Written By: Mena Alma.

Once there was a city in Mars named Ahsativla,it was home of the greatest hero,Ray Moneutz,he destroyed the great space carp with his own fists and bravery. But there was also an great evil,Gendhi the necromancer,he decided to murder and posses the honorable hero,Ray,with his powers,but whenhe tried to kill him,his power corrupted his warrior soul. Gendhi:W-what are you? Ray Moneutz:Argh!FILTHY NECROMANCER WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH ME?! Angrily the once great hero torn the necroamncer flesh apart absorbing his power and became even more corrupt. Since now no one ever heard of the hero anymore....some say he is dead,others say he became insane...but no one know the truth.