
How to Do Drugs: A 12-Step Guide!

Written By: Lucas Minch

How to Do Drugs: A 12-Step Guide!

Step 1: Aquire raw meth from the chemist in liquid form.
Step 2: Aquire and label a crockpot "The Crackpot".
Step 3: Heat up your raw meth to 420 degrees in "The Crackpot".
Step 4: Blend the result in a monkey recycler.
Step 5: Blend a baby in the chef's gibber and dump it on the clown.
Step 6: When the clown inevitably pukes, take the vomit along with any remaining baby gibs and throw that in the monkey recycler too.
Step 7: Clean your mess out of the monkey recycler and freeze it.
Step 8: Swallow it whole.
Step 9: Get internal injuries and go to medbay.
Step 10: Die on the medbay floor while the incompetent doctors try to find out how sleepers
Step 11: Get cooked into a meatball sub by the chef.
Step 12: Give the entire crew food poisoning because you ate fucking frozen meth.