
The tale of a space station

Written By: Adam Kele

My story starts as a human aboard the space station of alien research one day when i was at work they brough it a strange purple sak and placed it in a pen i talked to my commrades but they had no idea what was going on after several hours they brouft in a horrifiing looking creature that was Blackand grey it had abouth 300 killograms and it was long it had a tail a Domed skull it looked like it wasnt a warrior it looked weak like a worker or rather in the insect kingdom like a drone the security officer came in and placed it into the pen with the purrple sak it looked at us weird and thought of us like food after few minuts of studing it. it started to produce a strange substance that sticked and was dark purrple or rather black it started makin walls we couldt study it soo the security had to go and destroy them after the alien saw that he couldt do much it started to cover it self with the same substance and was just in that substance it looked like a cocon after several hours ...... end of part one