
Lizard Wages

Written By: Dimitri Ishnavekov

Lizard Wages

Lizard activists and other general cretins in our society have been pushing to increase the minimum wage for lizard employment to be equivalent to human employment. But why?

Not only are lizards more inefficient workers, but they can barely speak fucking English because of the bullshit lisp that is inherent with their species! Interviewing them, on average, takes about 4 times as long, and they are 40% slower than regular human employees, because human employees are actually expected to work.

Right now the average wage of a lizard is $8 SCD, whereas humans are being paid $15 SCD. I believe that wizards should be forced into working free servitude for whoever can claim ownership of them first--these lizards surely aren't even responsible enough to control their own income.

In general, the wage gape between humans and lizards needs to widen a lot if we want to build a true meritocracy.