
Why Kevin Freeman is awesome.

Written By: Kevin Freeman

The autobiography of Kevin Freeman. - I have survived the following: Being drugged, dragged in the maintence and then forcefed weird liquids. Horrible nightmares of being kidnapped by a old guy force feeding me cheese and donk packets. The Blob with the power of friendship and welding tools. Very suspicious people. Book burning "hippies" Lethal doses of booze and drugs. Being exposed to space and high temperatures. Being shot. Getting ambushed by weird red bat things. Death with the power of defib units. Smith lookakles. Authorities and police brutality. Shadow people. (Hallucinations?) Hallucinations. - Overall, I am fucking awesome. If you don't think so, then you're simply jealous!My grand-grand-grandfather however did suffer from much worse shit though. I forgot who he was, Gavin Freeman? I dunno. Anyway, I rule.