
Short Romantic Stories

Written By: Cy Morgan

A girl asked a boy if she was pretty, he said "No". She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever, he said "No". Then she asked him if he would cry if she walked away, he said "No". She had heard enough; she needed to leave.|| One day, a lover was angry with his girlfriend and tried to stab her with a knife. He accidentally cut his own finger badly with the knife, started bleeding, and knelt down in pain. His girlfriend bent down and bandaged up his finger and tended to him.|| Today, my boyfriend told me that he loved me. When I asked why, he took out a list. It was 301 reasons long, and he said he had a pen in his pocket in case he remembered any new reasons. || There was a girl who was playing in the park when she saw a picture in a bush. She kept the photo but forgot about it until she was married. Her husband asked, who is that little boy in her wallet. She answered; "My first love." Then the husband smiled and said, "I lost this picture when I was nine years old"|| A man bought 12 flowers. 11 real and 1 fake. He said, "I will love you until the last flower dies."|| There was a girl named Becca and a boy named Joe. Becca was in a burning house. None of the firefighters could get in the house because the fire was too big. Joe dressed in one of the fire suits and got into the house. When he got up the stairs, the steps fell off behind him. When he got into her room he sealed the door up behind him. He held her tight, kissed her, huged her, then said that he loved her. She asked what was wrong, and he said that he was going to die. Her eyes widened as she began to cry. He picked her up and jumped out of the four story house. He landed on his back with her on top of him. He died to save her life.