
Print Job #590

Written By: Fitz Buzzard

The God Emperor, more commonly reffered to as Donald Trump, is quite simply GOD. Born to the hostile pre Giuliani Manhatten, Trump was destined to become the greatest man to have ever lived. Reared by the intensity of high stakes real estate affairs, he gained many traits that would aid him on his quest to righteuosness! He learned that Mexico and China were ripping off the U.S, and he realized that he was the only man how had the balls to do something about it. Perhaps the most important lesson Trump learned before he hit the campaign trail, was the ability to make Uge deals, great wonderful deals. This ability granted him the ability to make amazing trade deals, and put hard hit Americans back to work. It offerd him the capability to build a magnificent wall, and make Mexico pay for it. Trump in many cases, is a God, but in reality he is much like you... Famously potrayed as New Yorks favorite son, the blue collar billionare will do his best to win the president of the United States, and to MAKE AMERICA GR