
Crack by Matthew wilson

Written By: Matthew wilson

Crack Chapter 1 it was a regular day at earth i was walking to work because i was a police man,i arrived at the police station to do policey bussness and then someone said to me his name was joe he was a handicapped cop hes a bit of a bad cop and a very bad one 'hey want to have some gum' he said to me and well you never reject gum so i said yes and started eating it then all of a sudden he started chuckling then laughing so i said 'whats so funny?' then joe said 'your addicted to crack cocaine HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA 'oh no ' i thought in my head as i spat out the gum right next to me and pulled out some handcuffs 'woah woah woah' joe said 'if you arrest me i cannot give you crack 'i don't need it!' i yelled and proceeded to arrest him