Rounds Played
Play Time
4151 hours
2945 hours
1206 hours
Favorite Job
Security Officer (677h)
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Account Created
Round ID | Type | Reason | Ban Date | Expire Date | Admin | Status |
46314 | Server | Repeated insults to staff and mentors, repeated bogus complaints putting serious anxiety on the staff shoulders, too many pages of notes to count, you're not improving and I am sick of giving you unlimited chances on the basis you may improve. EDIT: Appealed after vouch from beestation for good behavior, roughly 1yr ban - | Never | xantam |
46312 | Server | Acted like an asshole to mentors after their ahelp was marked as mhelp question. Do not take out your frustrations on them. This isn't the first time this happened. | jasiopl123 |
46267 | Head of Security, Warden, D... | Tried to disabler the Warden as a non-antag Security Officer TWICE because they made a joke about them losing a fistfight to the clown. Did not see how this was wrong in the slightest. Complained that I was taking too long asking him questions because he wouldn't answer them. Take a break from security if you are going to do this. | baiomu |
45554 | Server | (Relating to 45553 mhelps and admin tickets) Continued toxicity towards admins while displaying little to no improvement despite warnings. | margot |
43165 | Brig Physician, Lawyer | Round 43150: Powergaming, Greytiding, As lawyer repeatedly attacked the acting HoS, arming themselves with the warden's gear to do so, while actively banned from security. | adamsogm |
43165 | Server | Round 43150: Powergaming, Greytiding, As lawyer repeatedly attacked the acting HoS, arming themselves with the warden's gear to do so. | adamsogm |
42973 | Captain, Head of Personnel,... | Valid Complaint: As Captain, attempted to kill the AI by deconstructing its main core and depowering its secondary core because the Asimov AI was following their laws (not enforcing access restrictions). Attempted to card it first (incorrectly) and then instantly moved to kill it instead of properly handling the AI. Please read Silicon Policy and think of other players while you are playing. | baiomu |
42628 | Captain, Head of Personnel,... | Suicided as a sec officer in the armoury leaving no one else in secuirty, despite Aphie knowing the rules and reporting others for this very offence, then went onto play drone immediately after death. | xantam |
42502 | Server | Round 42502: History of rudness to admins, that behavior is not acceptable | adamsogm |
37354 | Brainwashed Victim, Deathsq... | Round 37194: As a ghost, scouted the space bar to teleport to station. Spawned in as a charlie station crew member and ran out of an airlock directly towards the space bar. Made sure no admins were online. When questioned later in the round, said he was in a fight with a space carp that left him drifting towards space bar. Had a full jetpack on so it was obviously not the case. Appeal on the forums if you'd like. APPEAL: | Never | baiomu |
36985 | Server | Valid complaint: massive staff and player disrespect in the complaint and ban appeal related to the complaint. | junkystuff |
33388 | Server | Went back to kill a heretic with a surgical drill, instead of calling for security to arrest them. They had previously had the chance to run away, but decided to kill the heretic themselves, after being healed. I asked them why they went out to kill the heretic, and they said "Because I was wearing headphones." | xoxeyos |
26501 | Server | Permanent ban applied after result of this complaint, feel free to appeal in one month. | Never | swissloaf |
26276 | Server | Started a fight over not getting a crate of bees. Tempers high. Take a small break! | lewdelf |
26163 | Server | Needs some time to cool off. Stole and spaced the Service department's budget card to get back at the HoP for some slight involving his ATV key. | lyis |
25964 | Captain, Head of Personnel,... | As Captain, takes BOTH Hand Teleporters from their place, one of them "just in case the first is stolen or lost". Seems to conflict with powergaming ruling in conversation. Reapplied for its duration due to clerical administrative error which removed it. | lewdelf |
25948 | Server | I think you should take the time to cool down and put things into perpective. | alexkar598 |
25948 | Captain, Head of Personnel,... | As Captain, steals BOTH Hand Teleporters from their place, one of them "just in case the first is stolen or lost". Seems to conflict with powergaming ruling in conversation. appeal ban at forums, as usual. | lewdelf |
21387 | Server | Verbally abused someone OOC over PDA messages. Take a few days to calm down please. | thegamer01 |
17922 | Server | Lit plasma in cargo as non antag because they wouldnt let him use the prolathe and were being dicks. | halueryphi |
0 | Server | Attempted to space the CMO on the escape shuttle as non-antag clown. | morrowwolf |
0 | Server | 13:41:04 - Aphielanisn - YOU BETTER FUCKING HANDLE MY TICKET NOW 13:41:15 - Aphielanisn - DONT YOU DARE GO OFF AND HANDLE ANOTHER TICKET Calm down. | oakboscage |
0 | Server | As a rev, got mindshielded, then helped a rev leader escape after. Has been around for a long time, but from ticket seems understanding and clearly made a big mistake. Giving about the most lenient ban possible here. | cubetastic |
0 | Server | - passed council vote | Never | george99 |
0 | Server | Should know better by now. Spammed comms with 'HLEP SEC DETECTIVE ISN"T WHAT HE SEEMS' about fifteen times. When muted and contacted, first ordered me to 'fix the comms', then lied to me in tickets about what he was doing and tried to distract me and worm his way out of trouble. Consistent, prior behavioral issues and notes on the latter, but it's his first offense on spam, so this is a tempban. | adameltablawy |
0 | Server | Tried to beat a security officer to death for shoecuffing him. Tons of notes on overescalation and poor retaliation. (1.2) | adameltablawy |
0 | Server | Killed a roboticist for being disarmed, and trespassing with guns from the cargo shuttle. Thought what he did was OK, claiming trespass makes you an antag and valid. Does not realise what he did and has a history of bad behavior. Edited because it seems while dealing with the ticket, or before, he killed another guy for no reason. | bekons |
0 | Gangster | Got cloned to have their implant removed, as a cargo tech, during gang, so they could avoid helping sec, after screaming about how sec was shit when implanted. | adameltablawy |
0 | Server | Critted the clown for slipping him on his PDA, refuses to admit what he did wrong, has many, many previous notes in this regard. Read the rules over the week. ~Adam's ban. | asv9 |
0 | Server | Calling a restart vote after being killed; valid complaint: | slovenian |
0 | Server | Killed superior because superior non-harmfully detained him in order to demote him. Had previous notes in this regard. ~Alblaka's ban | groudonmaster |
0 | Server | Valid Player Complaint, abusing mechs etc.. | asv9 |
0 | Server | Broke into the captains office (as a cargo tech), to steal the captains laser. Was a blob round. Also attacked a few people who were apparently trying to gain access to cargo as well as stabbing people with glassshards on harm intent and crowbar on harm intent because he thought someone was going to hurt him | spl99 |
0 | Server | Went behind bar and started attacking him for no reason as non antag | gremlen12 |
0 | Server | Killed the captain for accidentally hitting them with a laser in crossfire, as a loyalty implanted crewmember on a rev round. | johncena1469 |