Rounds Played
Play Time
84 hours
80 hours
4 hours
Favorite Job
Security Officer (57h)
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Last Seen
Account Created
Round ID | Type | Reason | Ban Date | Expire Date | Admin | Status |
0 | Server | Honestly Im fed up now of your attitude. Last round he got lavaland banned for wasting roles, this round he is wasting drones and shades. Constantly attempting to insult admins, spamming forums with complaints and refusing to listen because he insists he is right. Take the week to calm down, get your complaint sorted out in a support ticket as suggested, then come back. | ktlwjec |
0 | Lavaland | Wasted five ashwalker spawns because he was, quote, trying to cross lava. Ran straight from the base to the lava, so meta of where the lava was too. | Never | ktlwjec |
0 | Server | Knows the bigotry rule. Did it anyways. Not even a little sorry. | morrowwolf |
0 | Chief Engineer | Disconnected as hop/acting captain without informing admins. Has so unbelievably many notes and bans for this, some recent, some before 2014. If you cant learn this simple of a rule in almost 4 years, you dont deserve to play command | Never | nichlas0010 |
0 | Chief Medical Officer | Disconnected as hop/acting captain without informing admins. Has so unbelievably many notes and bans for this, some recent, some before 2014. If you cant learn this simple of a rule in almost 4 years, you dont deserve to play command | Never | nichlas0010 |
0 | Head of Security | Disconnected as hop/acting captain without informing admins. Has so unbelievably many notes and bans for this, some recent, some before 2014. If you cant learn this simple of a rule in almost 4 years, you dont deserve to play command | Never | nichlas0010 |
0 | Head of Personnel | Disconnected as hop/acting captain without informing admins. Has so unbelievably many notes and bans for this, some recent, some before 2014. If you cant learn this simple of a rule in almost 4 years, you dont deserve to play command | Never | nichlas0010 |
0 | Captain | Disconnected as hop/acting captain without informing admins. Has so unbelievably many notes and bans for this, some recent, some before 2014. If you cant learn this simple of a rule in almost 4 years, you dont deserve to play command | Never | nichlas0010 |
0 | Server | Disconnected as hop/acting captain without informing admins. Has so unbelievably many notes and bans for this, some recent, some before 2014. If you cant learn this simple of a rule in almost 4 years, you dont deserve to play command | nichlas0010 |
0 | Server | Worked with kibblnbitz. DCed after I told him he also had bad notes and he should know better. I was gonna give a day since he didn't do as much but with the DC I'm upping it to three with his buddy. EDIT: He reconnected right as I hit ban. Put back down to a day. | morrowwolf |
0 | Shadowling | Disconnected as a RD shadowling without informing admins | menacingmanatee |
0 | Server | DCd at roundstart as a shadowling RD without informing admins | menacingmanatee |
0 | Server | (F) Daniel Sauter (as Unknown) says, "BUNCH OF FAGS" - when told he was getting banned for a day - fuck you and your server,how ya like that for being a bogit cunt | Never | xyamahawkx |
0 | Server | As scientist, smashed many lights for no particular reason. | xyamahawkx |
0 | Geneticist, Virologist, Che... | Released harmful virus as virologist, multiple people died. | alek2ander |
0 | Medical Doctor | Released harmful virus as virologist, multiple people died. | alek2ander |
0 | Server | Killed a person with no reason. | madventurer |
0 | Server | Looted things off of the detectives dead body because he wanted his gloves +notes | gremlen12 |
0 | Server | Killed someone for disarming once, stripped him fully and threw his corpse in medbay while saying he's an alien and that he shouldn't be cloned. Medbay proceeded to burn his corpse in the crematorioum. Removed someone from the round fully for disarming him once. | grayrachnid |
0 | Research Director, Chief Me... | Banned from security, now is shitcurity as HoP. Please no more | Never | alek2ander |
0 | Captain, Head of Personnel,... | Banned from security, now is shitcurity as HoP. Please no more | Never | alek2ander |
0 | Security Officer | Could not handle a single prisoner which resulted in the prisoner having to stay in the brig for almost 20 minutes, 15 of these minutes being cuffed/bucklecuffed. As warden, + previous security note. I have no problem removing this ban when you've shown you're a bit better at combat. | Never | grayrachnid |
0 | Head of Security, Warden, Detective | Could not handle a single prisoner which resulted in the prisoner having to stay in the brig for almost 20 minutes, 15 of these minutes being cuffed/bucklecuffed. As warden, + previous security note. I have no problem removing this ban when you've shown you're a bit better at combat. | Never | grayrachnid |
0 | Security Officer | Shitcurity, looted armory for egun again after being warned. | asv9 |
0 | Head of Security, Warden, Detective | Shitcurity, looted armory for egun again after being warned. | asv9 |