






Rounds Played


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2457 hours


1970 hours


487 hours

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Scientist (471h)

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Round ID Type Reason Ban Date Expire Date Admin Status
19648 Server (MANUAL BAN) As acting captain allowed a prisoner to be used for tests without authorizing perma, execution or borging. Round 19612 qe
0 Research Director, Scientis... Still finding ways to force people out of xenobio so they can do it themselves. This time, convinced RD to allow a thunderdome between themselves and the player already ON xenobio to gain control of it by using (( )) to state that they were not breaking rules so no admins could be called. Other player refused to fight, prompting them to get the telebaton from the RD and stunlock them, then dragged them to sec and got them brigged. Did the same thing the round prior according to the same complaining player, then proceeded to argue in tickets about how they were right to do it because "it's a one person job" and they "went through the RD", not understanding that a huge part of why this is a problem is the constant behavior going over the top just to do xenobio alone, regardless of if someone got there first. Recommend a permanant ban from sci next time something like this happens zxmongoose
0 Server As a xenobiologist nonantag, made the entirety of xenobio unlivable rad hell with uranium tiles so he could be the rightful heir to xenobio, despite this being a recurring issue with him and repeatedly told to cut it out, shows very little remorse in regards to powergaming, overescalation, and what is acceptable and unacceptable under the rules. Shows very little respect for others and what they think as well. I think this is well deserved. yogurtshrimp69
0 Research Director, Scientis... As a xenobiologist nonantag, made the entirety of xenobio unlivable rad hell with uranium tiles so he could be the rightful heir to xenobio, despite this being a recurring issue with him and repeatedly told to cut it out, shows very little remorse in regards to powergaming, overescalation, and what is acceptable and unacceptable under the rules. Shows very little respect for others and what they think as well. I think this is well deserved. yogurtshrimp69
0 Server (MANUAL BAN) Valid player complaint: Take some time off and come back and show me the player I know you can be. atrealdonaldtrump
0 Botanist (MANUAL BAN) killed the entire station with vines and nearly crashed the server holy shit man i'm proud Never adameltablawy
0 Server Killed the ENTIRE station by planting vines on it as a lifebringer. adameltablawy
0 pAI, Posibrain, Drone, Deat... Killed the ENTIRE station with vines as a lifebringer he knows full well he shouldn't plant on station. Never adameltablawy
0 Shadowling I have no ability to give bodies to ghosts so this will allow people to take your body adameltablawy
0 Quartermaster As Cargo Tech, aided the QM in amassing and opening armory crates. Also was involved in beating someone to crit. slinky5890
0 Cargo Technician As Cargo Tech, aided the QM in amassing and opening armory crates. Also was involved in beating someone to crit. slinky5890
0 Server (MANUAL BAN) Ban lowered to 1 week, this'll be his last chance. themrfox
0 Botanist As above Never adameltablawy
0 Server Greytide, mass planted kudzu on the shuttle, argumentative in tickets, doesn't get what he did wrong, didn't once apologize, bad notes, doesn't care about the rules, etc. Never adameltablawy
0 Cultist Lying in tickets, murderbone, grief. Set off a holy water-potas grenade on the shuttle as a cultist, him saying he believed it would ignite cultists. 1. He was a cultist at the time but attempted to claim otherwise. 2. Nothing in the game would imply a water-potas grenade would ignite cultists. Holy water does not have this effect, nor does the wiki suggest it would-and the wiki explicitly suggests that it would cause a massive explosion, which it did, destroying a large portion of the shuttle. Even if it DID ignite cultists, he'd still be griefing his own team. adameltablawy
0 Cultist Lying in tickets, murderbone, grief. Set off a holy water-potas grenade on the shuttle as a cultist, him saying he believed it would ignite cultists. 1. He was a cultist at the time but attempted to claim otherwise. 2. Nothing in the game would imply a water-potas grenade would ignite cultists. Holy water does not have this effect, nor does the wiki suggest it would-and the wiki explicitly suggests that it would cause a massive explosion, which it did, destroying a large portion of the shuttle. Even if it DID ignite cultists, he'd still be griefing his own team. adameltablawy
0 Server Lying in tickets, murderbone, grief. Set off a holy water-potas grenade on the shuttle as a cultist, him saying he believed it would ignite cultists. 1. He was a cultist at the time but attempted to claim otherwise. 2. Nothing in the game would imply a water-potas grenade would ignite cultists. Holy water does not have this effect, nor does the wiki suggest it would-and the wiki explicitly suggests that it would cause a massive explosion, which it did, destroying a large portion of the shuttle. Even if it DID ignite cultists, he'd still be griefing his own team. adameltablawy
0 Server metacomms with skittynip and also killing as non-antag, appeal this on the forums if you wish wardog390
0 Server Lubed everywhere, prior bans, DC'd during ticket adameltablawy
0 Server grey tiding, lubing floors in central by medbay greatbigben