






Rounds Played


Play Time


92 hours


81 hours


12 hours

Favorite Job

Station Engineer (14h)

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Last Seen


Account Created



Round ID Type Reason Ban Date Expire Date Admin Status
31475 Server Powergaming: As assistant, armed themselves with a spear for no discernible reason. Then, took a fire axe from a slipped scientist, and destroyed a HONK mech. The ban is because of the speed at which notes are being gathered. You need to chill. lewdelf
31455 Head of Security, Warden, D... Harming prisoners as sec, removing their tongue. Not around to be contacted. Please explain on forums to lift it faster. lewdelf
31421 Captain, Head of Personnel Self requested Hop/Captain ban. Never lyis
0 Server Asked whether something was alright, then got really mad when he was told it wasn't. His previous behaivour and notes aren't great either Never nichlas0010
0 Server Validhunting and critting a person with spears, as mime. Disconnected during ticket, notes indicate last permaban was lifted with severe restrictions in place that were not adhered to. Never emt321
0 Server Valid complaint, along with previous permanent ban: Never slovenian
0 Server Greytiding. Stole the comms console from the bridge and called the shuttle. Followed by stealing items from a sec officer. All while non-antag. Was not there to be contacted. (1.2, 1.4) Never grayrachnid
0 Server Greytiding. Stole the comms console from the bridge and called the shuttle. Followed by stealing items from a sec officer. All while non-antag. Was not there to be contacted. (1.2, 1.4) Never grayrachnid
0 Syndicate Murderboning on a massive scale, while most were valid 4 of them were not. 1. Killed an assistant for witnessing him borg someone, he was a roboticist. 2. Killed a person for talking about lynching the AI. AI was subverted. 3. Killed a person for dragging a cuffed person. ["He had somebody cuffed, seemed like a validhunter. Probably had weapons too."]. 4. Killed the person being dragged in #3. (2.1.1) grayrachnid
0 Server Critted security and the cap with an axe for "Being shitcurity" Good attitude. (1.2) timegreen
0 Head of Personnel, Head of ... Valid complaint (poor actions as head officer + several notes on misconduct as head officer): (2.5.1) slovenian
0 Server Shot a sentient honkbot to death after he got insulted by it, knew this was dickish yet did not apologize or understand what he did wrong (0.0) matskuman5
0 Server (MANUAL BAN) valid complaint. Carded and wiped the AI for not turning off turrets, despite the AI saying repeatedly it couldnt see the turret control (it was carded) halueryphi
0 Server Killing 2 people, one for trespass in bridge and the other one for having an RCD. Feel free to apply. timegreen
0 Captain Killed 2 people for trespassing in bridge and having an RCD Never timegreen
0 Server Setting everyone to arrest after being told not to. +notes stating to ban on next offense timegreen
0 Server Put a lit lighter on plasma, burning up medbay, claimed he didn't know what it did, which was a lie. +Notes saying ban on next offense so see you in a week dominuslucian
0 Server Tried to space someone, told me it was a joke. After his last bans, I don't understand why this was not a perma-ban then. Sorry Gradus, but if you can't play normal. timegreen
0 Research Director disconnected at roundstart without notifying admins. wardog390
0 Server Attempted to break into the armoy with a bunch of clowns + previous notes. stealthkibbler
0 Server "Prank" Attacking officers and stealing there stuff, fullstripping two, one of them being warden on the arrivals shuttle. Does not realise what he did was wrong and tried to act smart in tickets. Never bekons
0 Server Excessive violence AGAIN, got the mime into crit because he got disarmed once. If something like this happens again a much more severe ban will be applied hydre
0 Server Fireaxe\'d lorenzo for robbing the HOS of one stunbaton during nukeops, claimed it was because he was a horrible person (when the only thing relating to the round that was happening was that he had attacked him, so metagrudging ). Had to disconnect before I was done with questioning, please explain on the forums kmc2000
0 Security Officer (MANUAL BAN) As Security, fullstripped prisoners in shuttle for no reason other than shitcurity, he admitted to his faults in tickets, take a break from sec kmc2000
0 Detective (MANUAL BAN) As Security, fullstripped prisoners in shuttle for no reason other than shitcurity, he admitted to his faults in tickets, take a break from sec kmc2000
0 Warden (MANUAL BAN) As Security, fullstripped prisoners in shuttle for no reason other than shitcurity, he admitted to his faults in tickets, take a break from sec kmc2000
0 Head of Security (MANUAL BAN) As Security, fullstripped prisoners in shuttle for no reason other than shitcurity, he admitted to his faults in tickets, take a break from sec kmc2000
0 Server Killed someone as a non antag for trying to get their nullrod back xantam
0 Server Entirely striped the clown then DC'd (Abdbla's ban) slovenian
0 Server Stabbed someone into crit and left them welded in a locker after stripping them for playing pranks. mrmecham
0 Warden, Detective, Security Officer Beating the CMO with a seclite, has 2 previous sec bans and 2 previous notes involving him as a security member. Never chuggachar
0 Head of Security Beating the CMO with a seclite, has 2 previous sec bans and 2 previous notes involving him as a security member. Never chuggachar
0 Head of Security Incompetence as HoS. Promoted from warden, suspected mime of bluspace artillery (when mime was standing next to him, cuffed, because PDA's were blowing up), then proceeded to just waltz into permabrig twice, getting robusted both times by two prisoners and going braindead after went crit. misutto
0 Server Murdered a person as non-antag chef for no real reason, ban time takes notes into account. alek2ander
0 Detective (MANUAL BAN) Used lethal force on two members for being in the brig. Was not there to be contacted. (CUSTOM IP) (CUSTOM CID) blukey
0 Warden (MANUAL BAN) Used lethal force on two members for being in the brig. Was not there to be contacted. (CUSTOM IP) (CUSTOM CID) blukey
0 Head of Security (MANUAL BAN) Used lethal force on two members for being in the brig. Was not there to be contacted. (CUSTOM IP) (CUSTOM CID) blukey
0 Security Officer (MANUAL BAN) Used lethal force on two members for being in the brig. Was not there to be contacted. (CUSTOM IP) (CUSTOM CID) blukey
0 Server Feed on people after wizard turned him in slime, doesn\'t seem to know rules + previous notes. 20thgirl
0 Chef Gibbing people straight from the morgue without checking if they're cloneable or not, effectively removing someone from the round with no chance of coming back. Also horrible attitude. Never grayrachnid
0 Server After being jobbanned from security for 5 days, insulted an admin in OOC. OOC: GradusNL: Have a good day mister PenisIs2small GrayRachnid. grayrachnid
0 Security Officer Beat a prisoner with a pickaxe because he pissed him off. grayrachnid
0 Head of Security, Warden, Detective Beat a prisoner with a pickaxe because he pissed him off. grayrachnid