Public Ban List

CKEY Round ID Type Reason Ban Date Expire Date Admin Status
benhowisey 0 Server ERP - [00:55:00]EMOTE: Oswald Patroclus/BenHowisey : <B>Oswald Patroclus</B> flashes penis and grins Never utahclock
hangoder 0 Server Player requested, after investigation of why he called some one a fuckstick in OOC, and said eat my dick. Never utahclock
mcbreivik 0 Server Bombed the brig, killing numerous people, with the clear intent to grief. Reply PM from-Mcbreivik/(Avery Campbell): eat my cum Never rumia29
litlbear 0 Server Bombed the brig Never chuggachar
eamonndh 0 Server ERP OOC: EamonnDH: Why can't I just have sex with the HoP? Never utahclock
purpleshirt 0 Server 09-Mar-2014 | Banned for 0 minutes - Setting singularity to max, enters space and disconnects. ~hydre Never grayrachnid
killertim2 0 Server Griefer Never grayrachnid
clooperzaun 0 Server Clooper Vaun says, "fag" Never josephfrost
puriek 0 Server Bombed multiple areas of the station as a nonantag, and when admins PM'd him, detonated more bombs. Killed a few people. Never rumia29
carl321 0 Server Killed 5 people as a non-antag then logged off when caught by security. Please appeal on Never grayrachnid
saniuses 0 Server Nick VonBrunn touches myslef ERP Ban ~PatrickShea's ban Never mcshooterjr
skully24 0 Server Racism + Name Never generalpie
bazingaboy69 0 Server Reply PM from-Bazingaboy69/(Redshirt McBeat): FUCK THE POILICE . Refused to stop using Space lube as non-antag and clearly has no respect for authority. Never mcshooterjr
gerallt 0 Server Killed somebody on the shuttle and d/c'd while being questioned - Requested by Unmovable Never thehonouredwolf
padan22 0 Server Released toxins in hallways. Tried to lie, and replied disrespectfully. Never thehonouredwolf
vladimirpru 0 Server Bombing station twice in two rounds Never josephfrost
smudgyglasses 0 Server [17:07:50]SAY: Maria Analise/Smudgyglasses : jayne i am going to suck your dick Never josephfrost
ezinyo 0 Server Uploaded a law The law specified All cyborgs must give oral to a crewmember if they question these laws. Savannah Bickerson is exempt from laws 4 and 5. And called the borg a fag in deadchat Never grayrachnid
hanslice89 0 Server Killed a prisoner that did not talk back to him as HoS.Since, I'm not going waste time trying to login cause your email system is faulty and guest account is not going work. Reason: Killed a prisoner that did not talk back to him as HOS. Expires:7 days by:grayrachnid First all of hes an syndie, I'm pretty sure i'm allowed to kill him anytime I want. Captain wasn't in game he was in the only 15 mintues when I killed him and I checked in my pda if he was ingame to gain permission but he wasn't. I killed a syndie i'm pretty sure I can kill a syndie that wouldn't tell me the other names of the syndies. 7 days and an job bans are you fucking kidding me? OMG The admin is a asshole please remove that shitface. Never grayrachnid
dudedude123 0 Server After his meta-friending captain gave him all-access, it was taken away from the HoP by my request since he didn't need it as a Medical Doctor, so he replies with this. Reply PM from-Dudedude123/(Malik Anderson): Wow, great way to ruin the game. Fuck you# Never grayrachnid