Public Ban List

CKEY Round ID Type Reason Ban Date Expire Date Admin Status
tehladyk 53927 pAI ate my donuts (yes you did) spacemanspark
tehladyk 53927 pAI ate my donuts spacemanspark
autismgaming2007 53916 Server 1.1 do not grief- as non antag chaplain ran around welder bombing shit, was not around to be ticketed, feel free to appeal on the forums. Never cowbot93
tehladyk 53886 Assistant The greytide must end junkystuff
davidmartinez 53879 Server Banned from the server permanently - Alt of davidmartinez2 Never stupidtums
extremelydoodoowaterplayer 53877 Server Temporary ban from server - 2.1 Do not metagame - Result of valid complaint || || Suicided when sleepy penned to avoid being kidnapped. Feel free to appeal on forums. stupidtums
glaenjoyer 53843 Server Rule 0.8: Do not abuse macros or autoclickers to gain an unfair advantage. Teleported into CC during the round to use the tools after previously being warned to not do this. Never baiomu
nuttttman 53586 Server 3.1.1: Do not murderbone. 0.4: Do not metacommunicate or multikey. 0.7: Listen to admins. Helped his metacomming friend beat their target to death, disconnected on Ahelp. Never baiomu
tm1998 53569 Server 1.1 do not grief - joined midround as non antag to start fires & blow people up with chemistry, has similar bans on other servers, along with potential metacomming w/ spazman017 result of valid complaint - Never cowbot93
spazman017 53569 Server 1.1 do not grief - joined midround as non antag to start fires & blow people up with chemistry, has similar bans on other servers, along with potential metacomming w/ tm1998 result of valid complaint - Never cowbot93
glaenjoyer 53564 Server Rule 0.8 - abused a bug twice to get onto mid round centcom and actively ruin the round by abusing the tools on there. Warned not to do it the first time, then did it the next round. Result of valid complaint cowbot93
nunquam1978 53554 Syndicate, Traitor, Operati... 3.1.1 Do not murderbone - Result of valid complaint || || Forced the only other crew member to kill themselves without a proper objective, or other legit reason, to justify it. stupidtums
augustopin0chet 53541 Server 1.1/1.2 - Do not grief/greytide - Began the round immediately breaking into areas and smashing windows and things. Short account lifetime plus recent bans from other servers tell me this is all they plan to do. Never aquizit
nunquam1978 53541 Head of Security, Warden, D... 3.3.1 - Follow Space Law - Tried to borg someone over B&E, shot 2 non-violent individuals, one to death, before checking if they were a threat or not. aquizit
raphaelounico 53531 Chief Engineer, Research Di... 3.2.3 -- Major incompetence as Head of Staff -- Blew the reactor by injecting extremely hot gas into it without knowing what might happen. aquizit
jimmydisabled12 53517 Server 0.1 Do not be a bigot and 1.1 Do not grief - Result of valid complaint || || Released multiple different harmless and harmful gasses into atmospherics foyer. Used "transvestite" as an insult. Feel free to appeal on the forums. Never stupidtums
mantopant 53456 Chief Medical Officer, Medi... SUCCESSFUL APPEAL -- -- 1.1 do not grief- as non antag viro, release airborne death on lowpop. Never cowbot93
gr1mm27 53369 Medical Doctor, Chemist, Ge... 1.3 Do not powergame - Result of valid complaint || || Attacking another crew man since he thought they killed him. Feel free to appeal on forums. stupidtums
sirragealot 53366 Clown Result of valid complaint - - 1,3 do not powergame, 1.1 do not grief/selfantag - as non antag clown, stole various tools, attacked people, and round ended someone by cooking their brain. Please read our rules at Never cowbot93
sirragealot 53366 Server Result of valid complaint - - 1,3 do not powergame, 1.1 do not grief/selfantag - as non antag clown, stole various tools, attacked people, and round ended someone by cooking their brain. Please read our rules at cowbot93