Public Ban List

CKEY Round ID Type Reason Ban Date Expire Date Admin Status
chadthunderstroke 51238 Clown, Mime, Assistant Result of valid complaint - - as mime, stole a locker with someone in it from a populated area where they had been to secure their safety from a floor clewne, almost causing them to die. Never cowbot93
misanthropyau 51236 Chief Medical Officer, Medi... 1.3 Do not powergame (validhunting) - Chased after a mime armed with lasers ad lethal syringe guns as a non-antag non-sec paramedic. Long history of validhunting behaviour and such, you can appeal this on the forums. Seriously, if you really have a taste to hunt antags you should main sec instead. timeurss
misanthropyau 51236 Server 1.3 Do not powergame (validhunting) - Chased after a mime armed with lasers ad lethal syringe guns as a non-antag non-sec paramedic. Long history of validhunting behaviour and such, you can appeal this on the forums. Seriously, if you really have a taste to hunt antags you should main sec instead. timeurss
odlan 51224 AI, Cyborg, Posibrain Valid player complaint: || Round 51197 - Silicon Policy - As a latejoin subverted AI, broke their laws by stating them over common when their subverter asked them over non-radio speech what their laws were. Seemed significantly more like inexperience than malicious intent. Did not respond to complaint after message was left. You can appeal this ban on the forums. Never zxmongoose
mrmemeguy 51214 Clown 1.4: Be active while playing a role with limited slots. Pick roles that you actually intend to play. - Suicided as a clown, previously warned. hisakaki
bluedazzled 51200 AI, Cyborg, Posibrain Valid player complaint: - Round 51189 - as a Crewsimov AI, within a few moments of learning that their synced Cyborg had a different lawset than they did, immediately decided to destroy them, blowing them up with very little discussion and no real chance to get synced or see how they operate together. None of the AI's laws were broken by the borg before this decision was made, and there was no reason to believe it was subverted. Growing history of issues with AI roles/sudden misbehavior. zxmongoose
ascientist 51197 Captain, Head of Personnel,... 3.2.3 - Major incompetence will be punished if you are a head. - as acting captain, gave the AI/Borgs a law 4 - Anyone in possesion of Syndicate Technology Or Set to "Arrest" is no longer crew and not Human, This does not count For Xing Li (character's name), Or any Command/Security" This is just an all around bad law and can cause major crew/human harm. cowbot93
kaliusprime 51196 Server 0.0, 1.1 - Don't be a dick / do not grief -- led bubblegum to mining base for no reason after attacking traitor chap who then killed them in return Never aquizit
liljackrabbit25 51188 Server 3.3.1 follow space law - as warden, threw someone with a seismic arm off the shuttle mid take-off so they couldn't get back on. Has enough hours to know better, or should. cowbot93
elizabethblackwell 51183 Server 1.3 Do not powergame - Took the bag of holding and the RD's holotool for absolutely no reason. Also a crew pinpointer when they shouldn't really need it. The dismissiveness in the tickets is sickening and just proves the lack of regard for the rules. You can appeal this on the forums. timeurss
elizabethblackwell 51183 Drone 1.3 Do not powergame - Took the bag of holding and the RD's holotool for absolutely no reason. Also a crew pinpointer when they shouldn't really need it. The dismissiveness in the tickets is sickening and just proves the lack of regard for the rules. You can appeal this on the forums. Never timeurss
spacemanspark 51183 Server WRONG PERSON DISREGARD timeurss
spacemanspark 51183 Drone WRONG PERSON DISREGARD Never timeurss
jexix 51180 Server Psych griefer, appeal if it isnt the case. Never deadlybagofdoom
henry199at 51169 Server 0.4 Do not multikey + evasion - Alt of Nockleboy, Necrolight and Necrolight132 which is banned. Appeal if this is wrong. Never hisakaki
lil2wolfie 51168 Server Valid Complaint -- -- New player, skillfully repiping atmos to pump plasma in. Event went to check with analyzer pipe contents. Never aquizit
susan51132000 51168 Server Plasmaflooding griefer. Never cowbot93
misterionno 51165 Server Russian griffer Never timeurss
biganus134 51165 Server Russian griffer Never timeurss
tapiga 51156 Server Fuck off prick Never hisakaki