Public Round List

Round ID Start Time Duration Game Mode Map Name Station Name Tools
23862 1:41:09 Changeling Yog Station Meta Platform Thirteen
23861 0:32:06 Wizard Yog Station Book Planet-Cracker Yankee
23860 1:40:42 Traitor Yog Station Whoever speaks next on common has their mother die in her sleep
23859 0:36:02 Cult Yog Station [Hiliarous Station Name Here]
23858 1:39:08 Traitor Yog Station American Extraplanetary Hangar Eleven
23857 0:46:52 Wizard Yog Station Widdershins Planet-Cracker XIX
23856 1:23:07 Traitor+Brothers Yog Station Neckbeard Platform Alpha
23855 1:44:42 Traitor Yog Station Totally A Nanotransen Station 13
23854 1:58:41 Traitor+Brothers Yog Station Mad Robot Province XLIII
23853 1:29:58 Changeling Yog Station System Hut Chi
23852 1:01:19 Traitor Yog Station Control Country XXXVI
23851 0:36:33 Traitor+Brothers Yog Station Explosive Space-hulk XL
23850 1:41:47 Vampire Yog Station Production Facility Five
23849 1:57:50 Traitor+Brothers Yog Station Unga Ooga Station 13
23848 0:41:38 Revolution Yog Station Goth GF Station
23847 0:32:02 Revolution Yog Station Ork HQ 95
23846 0:21:00 Shadowling Yog Station Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It
23845 0:57:29 Traitor+Brothers Yog Station This Station is Insurance Fraud
23844 0:00:00 Wizard Yog Station None
23843 0:24:13 Clockwork Cult Yog Station The most important words a man can say